Differential diagnosis of Spinal diseases. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Small Animal Practice (2010)

da Costa RC, Moore SA. Differential diagnosis of Spinal diseases. Veterinary Clinics of North America – Small Animal Practice. 40 (5), 755-763, 2010. (Visualizar)

Informações do Resumo

Disponível em: Inglês.
Total de Páginas: 10.

Neurologic diseases leading to gait problems are a common occurrence in smallanimal practice. Evaluating an ataxic, weak, or paralyzed patient can be an intimi-dating task, but a logical approach facilitates this process. A complete physical andneurologic examination enables the clinician to confirm that the patient has a neuro-logic problem and to localize the problem along the spine. The next step in the diag-nostic approach is to develop a list of differential diagnoses.


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