Clinical and MRI Findings in three dogs with polycystic meningiomas. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association (2012)

James MK, da Costa RC, Fauber A, Peregrine A, McEwen B, Parent JM, Bergman R. Clinical and MRI Findings in three dogs with polycystic meningiomas. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association. 48(5):331-338, 2012.

Informações do Resumo

Disponível em: Inglês.
Total de Páginas: 8.

One spayed female Labrador retriever and two castrated male golden retrievers were evaluated for chronic (i.e., ranging from 3wk to 24 wk) neurologic signs localizable to the prosencephalon. Signs included seizures, circling, and behavior changes. MRIdemonstrated extra-axial, contrast-enhancing, multiloculated,fluid-filled, cyst-like lesions with a mass effect, causing com-pression and displacement of brain parenchyma. Differential diagnoses included cystic neoplasm, abscess or other infectiouscyst (e.g., alveolar hydatid cyst), orfluid-filled anomaly (e.g., arachnoid cyst).


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