Effects of Flexion and Extension on the Diameter of the Cervical Vertebral Canal in Dogs (2015)

Ramos RM, da Costa RC, Oliveira AL, Kodigudla MK, Goel VK. Effects of Flexion and Extension on the Diameter of the Cervical Vertebral Canal in Dogs. Veterinary Surgery. v. 44, n. 4, p. 459-466, 2015.

Informações do Resumo

Disponível em: Inglês.
Total de páginas: 8.
Objective: To quantify changes in the diameter of the vertebral canal withflexion andextension in the cervical vertebral column.
Study Design: Cadaveric biomechanical study.
Sample Population: Cadaveric canine cervical vertebral column (n¼16 dogs).
Methods:All vertebral columns were evaluated with MRI. Group 1 consisted of 8normal vertebral columns. Group 2 included 8 vertebral columns with intervertebraldisc degeneration. Flexion, extension, compression, and tension were applied to thecaudal cervical region (C4–5, C5–6, C6–7). Sagittal vertebral canal diameters (VCD)were obtained by measuring the distance between the ventral and dorsal aspects ofvertebral canal.


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