The effects of free fat graft or cellulose membrane implant on laminectomy membrane formation in dogs. The Veterinary Journal (England). Editorial sobre o trabalho (2006)

da Costa, RC; Pippi, NL; Graça, DL; Fialho, SAG; Alves, AS.; Groff, ACM; Rezler, U. The effects of free fat graft or cellulose membrane implant on laminectomy membrane formation in dogs. The Veterinary Journal (England), v. 171, n. 3, p. 491-499, 2006. Editorial sobre o trabalho. Vet J, v.172, n.1, p.1-2.

Informações do Resumo

Disponível em: Inglês.
Total de Páginas: 2 e 9 páginas respectivamente.

Prévia – Documento 1
Spinal disease is common in dogs and is frequently associated with devastating neurological deficits. The acute paraplegic patient is a large part of the case-load in many neurology referral centres, and is most commonly the chrondrodystrophoid dog with a Hansen type I (Hansen, 1952) thoracolumbar disc herniation. Laminectomy is usually the treatment of choice for these patients.

Prévia – Documento 2
Laminectomy membrane (LM), epidural fibrosis or postlaminectomy scar are terms used to describe an expected healing consequence after laminectomy in animals and humans.


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