Three-dimensional kinematic gait analysis of Doberman pinschers with and without cervical spondylomyelopathy. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine (2013)

Foss K, da Costa RC, Moore S. Three-dimensional kinematic gait analysis of Doberman pinschers with and without cervical spondylomyelopathy. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 27(1) 112-119, 2013.

Informações do Resumo

Disponível em: Inglês.
Total de Páginas: 8.

Kinematic gait analysis quantifies the positions,velocities, accelerations, and angles of anatomiclandmarks, segments, and joints in space. This tech-nique has been used to recognize and characterize clinically normal gait patterns and identify abnormal gaitpatterns related to pathologic conditions in humans,dogs, and horses.


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